Main page › Implementations › Industrial machine vision › Automated system for reading symbol markings from the pipes
In February 2019, the system developed for automated reading of pipe identification markings by Mallenom Systems was implemented at a metallurgical plant that produces welded steel pipes.
This system is installed at several control points for tracking the movement of pipes. For efficient and complete coverage of the product movement at the different stages of production which would allow to reduce the number of defects, the installation of large number of control points may be advisable.
Main principle of the system operation for a single control point:
In the case of successful recognition, the recognition marking entry is formed, which then is transmitted to the external system via Ethernet network. If the identification marking has not been read successfully, the external system receives notification about failed recognition. At the present moment, the system has up to 99% accuracy of recognition. Single PC can simultaneously process the video images received from up to 8 cameras.
System functionality:
Equipment for a single control point:
Additional equipment:
An example of the layout for the identification marking reading system elements (images are transmitted over the network)
Besides the identification markings that utilise symbols the system can read 2D-codes with the use of an industrial code reader. The layout of the system in that case would be the following: